
castilleja school alumnae networking

A community to support you throughout your life.

With Castilleja graduates working in diverse fields throughout the U.S. and internationally, there is a rich network available to support alumnae throughout every stage of their career, including summer internships, job searches, and professional networking opportunities.


Join the Castilleja School LinkedIn Group to connect with nearly 1000 alumnae, and add "Castilleja School" to the Education section of your LinkedIn profile so fellow alumnae can search for you.

Special Interest Groups

Special Interest Groups offer opportunities to connect with alumnae with common interests. Professionally-focused groups also provide ways to mentor current students and young alumnae who are considering a career path in your field.

We currently have groups for Medical Professionals and Film/Entertainment/TV and welcome starting additional groups as we identify leaders.


Check out the new internship website with different opportunities, including for alumnae. If you are looking to offer an internship to a Castilleja student or alum, please share with us here.

Employment Opportunities

You can share employment opportunities with the alumnae community by posting in the Castilleja School LinkedIn Group and/or sending a message to

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